Puerto Penasco Weather
How’s the weather at Las Conchas Puerto Penasco?
January and February
Evenings are chilly so bring your sweater. Most days are sunny and in the 60’s or even low 70’s Overall, rather pleasant.
March and April
Nice weather with most days being sunny. Great for sailing. Seems to run from the high 60’s to the mid-70’s.
The perfect month! Weather is warm, water is getting pretty warm, few windy days and all sunshine! Great time to spend the days at the beach!
Still perfect. Same as above with temps being in the 80’s. Great time to take that Bird Island Trip and snorkel with the sea lions.
The humidity starts to creep in a little during this month. Mid to high 80’s and sunny! days and nights are nice and warm.
Humidity is here and the A/C’s are running but you won’t even notice it at the beach. High 80’s to low 90’s. Shorts and bikinis all day and night!
Same as August.
Another perfect month. The water is a little cooler as are the air temps with most days being in the 80’s.
Generally pretty nice. Usually high 70’s and 80’s with little wind.
Temps are in the 50’s and 60’s and there is usually some wind. Water is cool.
Lots of sunny days. In the sun, it can feel like the mid-70’s.
See you soon!
Current Exchange Rates
$1 USD =20.27 MEX Pesos.
$1 CAD =14.04 MEX Pesos.
$1 EUR =22.13 MEX Pesos.
Local Weather
On hot days, our On-The-Beach location enjoys temperatures that are usually 15 -20 degrees cooler than indicated in the weather forecast. During the winter, it is from 5 to 15 degrees warmer than what is forecasted.